Our YOUTH Sharing Their Stories
At Iyai+, we are deeply committed to helping our YOUTH be strong, confident, self-sufficient, engaged people and caring members of society.
Our “My Beloved Community” transformative justice program element developed in collaboration with the Charles Hamilton Houston Institute for Race & Justice, Harvard University Law School encourages youth to apply their class and learned experiences to Tell Their Stories (“docu-shorts”).
Share their insights regarding the impact of critical infrastructure on their personal lives, community, and society – as one way to help them understand this important connection. And encourage them to personally care about the importance of community participation – and public service.
“Iyai+ LIVE”
Students created highlights of their Major Take-Aways from the overall Program experience; and their “My Beloved Community”infrastructure impact story (“docu-short”).
Eyerusalem - Introduction to Infrastructure Careers Video 2019
The Convince of Infrastrusture - Introduction to Infrastructure Careers Video 2019
Herb Belton - Introduction to Infrastructure Careers Video 2019
Erick - Introduction to Infrastructure Careers Video 2019
Auntonio Bell - Introduction to Infrastructure Careers Video 2019
Iyai+ Intern Isaiah Does Huge Hair Donation!!!
Isaiah Chauhan has been growing his hair for years just to donate to children who have hair loss. This guy rocks!!