The Work

"What are America’s Critical Infrastructure Sectors – and, why are they so important?"

Beverly A. Scott, Ph.D., Founder, Introducing Youth to American Infrastructure+ (Iyai+)

  • IYAI On the Move with Rising Stars
  • IYAI On the Move with Rising Stars
  • IYAI On the Move with Rising Stars
  • Kid of hearts

    IYAI On the Move with Rising Stars

The Iyai+ partner Rising Stars Foundation

The foundation offers children in the “LlorensTorres” community and adjacent residential areas of Puerto Rico low cost, high quality, private education that not only prepares them academically for their future studies but also enables them to develop a greater sense of community and self-worth by promoting their intellectual, spiritual, social and physical growth.

Llorens Torres includes one of the largest public housing complexes in the Caribbean.

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