With Summer 2020 Programs well underway, in March 2019, the urgency of the COVOD-19 Pandemic hit the U.S.    At that critical point, with “safety” considerations always first and foremost, ALL our major Partners and Sponsors remained resolute in their commitment to support a Summer Youth Program in Chicago.

At Iyai+, that meant quicklyrestructuring and transitioning our highly interactive, “hands-on” programming to a remote learning platform.  And that’s where TLC marshalled its resources to offer the support of their instructional design and virtual learning team “she-roes” – Patricia Greenfield and Julie Deibel-Pundt.  They have been absolutely great to work with; and in keeping with our “YOUTH VOICE and WORK” philosophy – have provided instructional training to Okeino Gordon, one of our Student Interns (Cardozo TransSTEM Academy) on how to update the site.

Many thanks to Jack Clark, Xinge Wang, and the TLC Board for their extra support during these unprecedented times – deeply appreciated.