Sustainable Mobility Careers Awareness
“WELCOME” to the Transportation Sector and Sustainable Mobility Careers…
Help build greater youth awareness of transportation/mobility careers and the critical role they play in building and shaping communities.
This is a call for
Local host organizers
In the U.S. and Canada...
We want YOU to be a Local Organizer in coordination with area public and private transportation organizations, organized labor, public, private, community-based, and non-profit sustainability partners in your region.
Achieving Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (“DEI”) is a primary objective throughout all aspects of Iyai programming.
SEND YOUR LETTER OF PARTICIPATION INTEREST TODAY! The application period closes November 15, 2022. Please review the “Local Host Organizer Guidelines” (see below). Applications will be reviewed as received; and priority given to the first 20.THE INNOVATION
"Achieving Equity-centered sustainable mobility"
THE FUTURE IS HERE … Help Drive Meaningful Change and Solutions for ALL!
Positively Impact the Environment, Quality of Life, and Future Generations. Help Tackle “Climate Change” and Equity”.
MOTIVATE, ENCOURAGE and ENGAGE youth (18-25 years) to choose transportation sector/mobility careers and become tomorrow’s leaders, skilled workforce, innovators, and entrepreneurs.
Local Innovation Challenge Winners will participate in the“Virtual” Grand Innovation Challenge planned for June 2023.
TODAY, equity-centered “people-readiness” and “workforce development” at all levels is an URGENT priority across the transportation sector!
- The results of these “local” Workforce Dialogues with Innovation Challenge youth participants and industry partners will be documented and help to inform a “Future of Mobility Workforce Summit” (2023/2024).
Local Organizer Selection & Onboarding
The Call for Local organizers is September 2022 – November 15, 2022. Approximately 20 local sites are planned for participation (rolling basis, as received).
Send a Letter of Local Interest in Participation to: Dr. Beverly Scott, Founder; beverly@iyai.org![Innovation Challenge 001](https://www.iyai.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Innovation-Challenge-001.webp)
18-25 years of age; a citizen, resident, documented immigrant in the United States or Canada.
There will be NO participation fee for participating youth.
There will be strict adherence to COVID-19 guidelines and restrictions in effect within local areas/nationally mandated. At this time, local activities are anticipated to occur in a “blended”, hybrid environment, including some “in presence’ activities – while providing remote participation alternatives, wherever practicable and feasible.
Iyai-hosted informational Webinars for Youth participants and local organizers will be virtual.
The Grand innovation Challenge “central competition” in June 2022 will be virtual.
The Local Challenge Organizer is responsible for the sponsorship package to cover the expenses for their teams’ “local” activities.
Those with multiple local teams should plan for the resources they will need to support a local Innovation Challenge competition to select a winning youth team (est. 4-7 participants) to “virtually” participate in the Grand Innovation Challenge planned for June 2023.
Local Organizers will remit a fee of $3,000 for core Program activity expenses.
Appropriate standard insurance/releases will be required. Remittance of the core Program participation fee will be payable within thirty (30) days notice of selection as a participating Local Organizer.
program updates & Additional Information
Any substantive change or clarification to these guidelines will be highlighted and posted in this section.
For more detailed information re: the “Sustainable Mobility Careers Awareness and Virtual Youth Innovation Challenge”, please click button below to download .pdf.